Monday, December 31, 2007

Oh, 40th post! xD

Yes. So here's my 40th post for Blogger.


And it's gonna be a new year!
Happy new year's eve.

I guess lotsa teenagers are gonna find they're true love and stuffs like that.
You know, like those type of happy endings?

Just like movies.

Then firecrackers will go boom boom then couple kisses.
Then stuff happens.

Yeaaah, i'm talking nonsense.
I have to walk my dog, but i'm fkin lazy.

When he is let out, he would run and would come back in a day.
Evil dog. :l

Sooo yeah. 4 more days 'till school reopens.
Anyone excited? xD

I didn't go for the orientation. So yeah, I dunno my teachers, I dunno my timetable.

I like being lazy.
It's making me fatter.

I'm already fat anyways, so yeah.

Fat fat fat.


I have to go out later, to Uncle Joe's house, to eat.
My brother's still in Singapore, so yeah, no company.

But at least Uncle Joe's kids have DSes.
And I have a DS.

So yeah, game game game.

I think I lost my MarioKartDS.

Gosh, 300bucks.. Poof.

I have to find it.
If not.. I think I'm dead meat.

Stupid Nintendo and the game prices.
So unnecessarily expensive.

At least they have this memory card thingy, called R4.

And it's used to store games.

Oh, how I love stuff like that. And it works!
And.. I think the Converse shoes look funny on me.
It's.. Long.


Seriously. :[

Ah well, as long as it's comfortable.

.. i wanted to go nike :(

Maybe next time.
I'll convince my mom.

Or I'll take the Converse shoes, wear it for a week and then keep making it fill with mud, and dirty, and holes everywhere.
Holes are cut by scissors, and then cropped abit for the look-like-a-hole-in-a-shoe look.

Awesome right? xD

But I don't wanna do that..
It'll be such a waste of money.

School starts. *wearing brand-new shoes*
After a week. *holes everywhere, looks like it got eaten by angry termites*

.. But no.
It would be risky.
My mom would go.. "WHY? WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED TO YOUR SHOES? IN A WEEK???" in chinese.
Like you know, in those american movies? The chinese stall boss lady goes screaming and shouting at the poor workers. Yeah, something like that.

I'm shittishly tired right now.

And I still have to go out.
Why can't I stay at home with my darling computer?

Yeah, i'm such a no-life.
I live for computer.

Happy New Year nevertheless! :D