Saturday, January 19, 2008


Sorry I didn't update. :p

Too lazy lah.
I've been having stomachache for a week now.
It's an air-borne virus thing. :/

So yeah, errrm.

I got into MSSD Netball.
Unbelievable right?
I know, old news.
Just typing it in so I can read my stupidness when I grow older.

How can a fat, useless girl like me join MSSD Netball? And get into it?
Lol, I don't know.

And oh yeah, Happy Birthday, Melissa! :D
Wish for something good, okay? :p

Aaaaaaaand, eerrmh.

My brain is outta juice. Forgot what I was going to blog about. -.-

Oh, oh!
Today we had sports practice. That's all.
Too many details.. My brain is malfunctioning.

Update next time. Headache already. :[