Tuesday, May 19, 2009


nobody likes you.

Directed to a certain someone.
Ask me in school if you wanna know who.

Today was alright.
Started off with Assembly. I won the easter eggs newsletter thing.
Prize = 1 packet of Cadbury white chocolate eggs.
I only ate 1.

Chloe ate 4.
Vivian ate 3.
Laura ate 2.
Vila ate 1, I think.
Nicole Liew ate 1.
Nicole Chin ate 1.
Benjamin ate 1.

And a couple of more people.
I forgot who. Sorry. D:

Science, was fun, as usual.
Because Mr. Lee doesn't give a shit about us.

Geo, Mr. Muru didn't come. Which was awesome.
We got to use the computer, but the internet was shitass slow.

Math, boring. Didn't bring my protractor again. :I
My posts are getting lamer and lamer.
Because nothing much happens in my life. :O

Ohohoh, and after school, went in the jacuzzi with mom and dad. We were talking about our lives. .____.;

So, ate yummmy "baoyu" noodles. HAHAH.
ahmg i'm a spoiled bitch ahahahhah.

Damn, I'm getting hungry again.
Gotta force myself to exercise tomorrow. woweee.