Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hong Kong!

I'm going to the H to the K on the 19th. ;)
With my cousin, Abilene. Because we've brought her siblings, Anthony and Anne outstation before, and now it's her turn.

I think I'm gonna meet Vivian there too. So yeah, cool man.

I'm probably gonna buy shit tons of stuff, because I need shit tons of stuff. What a good reason right? Yeah, I know.

So, school's been fine; there had been a load of drama lately.
I won't say what, because that's p&c.

I've been such a nerd lately too, I finish my homework on the day I get it. Even if it's due like, what. A week after.

Also, Mr. G is now teaching us Geo and History now. What the. Even if he's good looking and all, we still get to see him once a week. I want Mr. Robinson to teach us either Geo or History. Because he's funny. 8(

Anyway, eh. There's so many people around my house now, doing construction thingies. So noisy.
So, eh. Eh. BYE.